Monday, March 16, 2009

29 - AIIMS november 2002 dermatology mcqs

1q: a 45 year old man has multiple grouped vesicular lesions present on the T 10 segment dermatome associated with pain. The most likely diagnosis is ?

a. herpes zoster
b. dermatitis herpetiformis
c. herpes simplex
d. scabies

2q: a 28 year old patient has multiple grouped papulovesicular lesions on both elbows,knees,buttocks and upper back associated with severe itching. The most likely diagnosis is ?

a. pemphigus vulgaris
b. bullous pemphigoid
c. dermatitis herpetiformis
d. herpes zoster

3q: a child has multiple itchy popular lesions on the genitalia and fingers .similar lesions are also seen in younger brother. Which of the following is the most possible diagnosis ?

a. popular urticaria
b. scabies
c. atopic dermatitis
d. allergic contact dermatitis

4q: which layer of epidermis is underdeveloped in the very low birth weight infants in the initial 7 days ?

a. stratum germinativum
b. stratum granulosum
c. stratum lucidum
d. stratum corneum

5q: scabies an infection of the skin caused by sarcoptes scabie is an example of ?

a. water borne disease
b. water washed disease
c. water based disease
d. water related disease

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